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The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word

Meet our bishop, discover our story, and learn about our passion bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to America.


Anglican churches in North America are part of the Anglican province known as The Anglican Church in North America (A.C.N.A.)


The Anglican Church in North America

The Anglican Church in North America is part of a worldwide fellowship of Anglicans who affirm the Jerusalem Declaration (2008), and the Fundamental Declarations of the Constitution state the Church’s clear commitment to the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, the authority of Holy Scripture, and the historic faith of the Church declared in the three Catholic Creeds. The church identifies with the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON).


The Church is determined to maintain the doctrine, discipline, and worship of Christ as the Anglican Way has received them.


If you are ready to plan your first visit or if you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, or if you would simply like to get in touch with the rector (pastor) click the button below.


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